How does rain affect my Air Conditioner?

It’svital for some homes to have an outdoor air conditioning unit and we’ve received questions about how rain affects a condenser. This is why we’re sharing the ways rain does, or doesn’t, affect your AC. The simple answer? Rain is not harmful to your AC unit, whether it is a central system or window unit. A little bit of rain can actually have a positive impact, but there is more to the story.

Your outdoor AC unit is built to withstand weather patterns.

Seasonal rain patterns will not have a negative impact on your AC unit. In fact, a little rain is helpful for removing any vegetation or debris that could otherwise remain lodged in the unit!
Your unit’s hardware is designed for durability, from the materials it is made from to the way the AC unit actually works. But the system is not at peak performance when it’s burdened with leaves, dirt or other buildups so if your area has been short on rain during spring through fall months, you may even want to spray the unit down with a hose. And don’t worry about getting the electrical components wet — any electrical wiring, such as those used in the condenser coil, will be insulated from wet or rainy conditions.

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