My Air Conditioner is Not Turning On

There are number of problems that could contribute to why your air conditioner is not turning on. If you find any of the problems listed below with your central air, contact your local HVAC contractor for additional help. With warmer weather quickly approaching, more and more people are starting up their central air systems. Homeowners who opt to skip out on air conditioner maintenance may find that their central air is not what they remembered. The AC unit won’t turn on Usually when the outdoor unit doesn’t turn on, it is because something tripped the circuit breaker. When this happens, you can easily reset it after locating the circuit breaker panel. If you find that the AC unit still does not work, the next place to look is the thermostat. A non-responsive thermostat will fail to communicate with the rest of the central air system. Your HVAC contractor can fix this for you.
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The AC unit won’t turn on

Usually when the outdoor unit doesn’t turn on, it is because something tripped the circuit breaker. When this happens, you can easily reset it after locating the circuit breaker panel. If you find that the AC unit still does not work, the next place to look is the thermostat. A non-responsive thermostat will fail to communicate with the rest of the central air system. Your HVAC contractor can fix this for you.

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